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Hunting dog and training supplies.

Coon Hunting Supplies, Sunspot Coon Hunting Lights, Big Game, Coon Hunting Lights, Waders

Supplies for your Hounds!

Dakota Lights | Outlaw Lights | Sunspot Lights | Boss Lights | Wireless LED Lights Garmin Gps,Tracking and E-Collars

Full Line Dealer of Dan's Hunting Gear | Coon Squallers misc. |Home


We at Kenny Rhea's Houndsupplies.com want to thank everyone for the business in the past, we do appreciate your business and strive to sell the best products at the best prices available. You may find things a little cheaper elsewhere but the quality is usually not as good. I have had hounds and hunted since 1948 and have used almost everything I sell. I have picked out what I think is the best value and the best quality lights with the best warranties. Super-Bright LED lights. The Companies I get these lights and merchandise from are Reputable and stand behind their products!! The collars and leads are as good as money can buy and I do all the name plates personally. We are now a dealer for Dan's Briar Proof Products. We have many collars, leads and pet products that are not mentioned, We have put together this website that gives an idea of the many, many products that we have available, If you don't see it just ask. Normally if we have the products on hand they will be shipped the same day unless on weekends or after hours. If I don't have it on hand, depending on availability you should have it within ten days or two weeks. If possible some products may be shipped direct from the factory. Ask about discounts in quantities!!

Thanks again, and tell a friend about us!! We sell what we use!!!


Kenny Rhea


Call (785) 545-6378 or e-mail us at:rheas@nckcn.com

 Training Scent
Stone Creek Pete.
"Come and get him boss!!!"
 Pet collars, leads and supplies
Live Traps

We are the authorized dealer for:

Garmin - Sunspot Hunting Lights - Dan's Briar-Proof

Valley Creek and Grain Valley




Sunspot Lights



Garmin Gps

Tracking and


Click These Categories For More.

Dakota Lights

Sunspot Lights

 Batteries,Bulbs and Parts

 Waders, Hunting Apparel

Garmin Gps Tracking and


Boss Lights

Coon Squallers

and Misc


All Products Satisfaction Guaranteed. All prices subject to change at any time. Postal priority charges on shipping, (no handling)

Order Today - Here's How

(785) 545-6378

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Dakota Lights | Outlaw Lights | Sunspot Lights | Boss Lights | Wireless LED Lights Garmin Gps,Tracking and E-Collars

Full Line Dealer of Dan's Hunting Gear | Coon Squallers misc. |Home